my life coach is jesus

Welcome to My Life Coach is Jesus, your one-stop guide for navigating through the CALLED life.

How to navigate this site:

  1. Bullet  Select the Discover or Evaluation path

Discover Your Personal Mission Path

Best if you’re ready to chart new territory and discover for the first time or rediscover who you are called to be and what you are called to do. Start at the beginning or jump ahead. 

  1. - Show me the big picture through the Life, Inc story

  2. -Let’s develop my FREE Personal Strategic Plan!     

  3. Bullet Contact us for a free assessment and customized plan

Life Evaluation Path

Best if you’re satisfied with your personal and professional life but recognize that a self check up is in order.

  1. - Life Evaluation Exercises to reflect on your time, treasure and talent

  2. - Resources by Life Phase Extra tools for Youth, Workers and Retirees

And if you want to know more about who’s introducing you to Jesus, the Life Coach.

Discover your Personal Mission

Mission: to package all the overwhelming self-help content out there into digestible snacks. The reason it’s so overwhelming is because there aren’t any overarching principles for the hundreds of decisions that’ll you have to make.  Let’s fix that.

Orientation: Start with Life, Inc story to orient yourself. Then you’ll be ready learn the Universal Mission. Before you know it, you’ll have your own Personal Strategic Plan and a complete, nutritious meal!